Are you struggling to attract the right clients? Or maybe you’re having a tough time trying to get any clients at all. If that’s you, here are my top tangible tips for how you can start attracting your dream clients today, whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been working with the wrong clients for a long time.
What are dream clients?
Who is your dream client?
If you have been around business a while, think about the clients that you’ve worked with. Which ones were dream clients? Which would you LOVE to work with again or clone? What made them such a good client? Write it down! On the other hand, which clients did you dread working with and why?
If you are new to business, YOU might be your dream client. Or “you” a few years ago. For example, there’s a member in my program The Copywriting Academy, who is a wedding planner. She LOVED the process and found she was really good at it, so she started her business after planning her own wedding. If that’s the same for you, consider what your struggles and desires were when you were in the place where you needed the service you provide now.
Whether you are new to business, been in business for a while and are working with the wrong kind of clients who are draining the life out of you, OR are simply wanting to attract MORE dream clients and less of the wrong clients, I want you to allow yourself space to dream about WHO you would like to work with.
When it comes to connecting with our dream clients, we don’t want to be vague! They are real people who have real struggles, etc, so why would we make stuff up?
A lot of marketing gurus teach people to make a list of all the different random pieces of information like, what car does she drive? Where does she hangout? What food does she like? But this doesn’t really help us. It’s vague, and it doesn’t relate to the solution you provide.
That’s why, when developing your messaging, it’s so important to…
I’m not telling you to use all of these methods. But wherever you are sharing content, make sure it includes a strong call to action. Because if someone’s not invited, the chances are they don’t even know your service exists!
After you’ve worked with clients, provide them with incentives to refer you to others.
I have a referral program for both my clients which means that when someone refers a friend my way, I send them a percentage of the sale as a thank you. This is one simple way to encourage great clients to tell their amazing friends about you!
What easier way to brag about yourself than to let someone else do it for you! As a part of your off-boarding process, make sure you invite clients to fill out a simple form to share their thoughts and feedback about their experience working with you…
Other ways…
There you have it, my top tips on how to find and connect with your dream clients.
I know I mentioned a lot of ways and places you can find dream clients. But I don’t want you to use ALL of these tips because that would be like throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks. I know it can be tempting to use all the marketing channels and strategies but I want you to choose one method that stood out to you and go all in on that.
Thanks for reading this post! I hope you found it valuable. As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Comment down below and let me know what you found most helpful or surprising about how you can find your dream clients!