Picture this: It’s a typical Saturday morning, and I’m balancing a baby on one hip while flipping pancakes with the other hand. My phone buzzes on the counter – another sale for my course just came in. All while I’m still in my pyjamas, and the kids are happily making a mess (read: tearing up […]

How to Build an Evergreen Sales Funnel That Sells Your Course or Membership on Autopilot

Evergreen, Funnels, Launching

When my clients come to me, their course sales have either plateaued or decreased from launch to launch. They know something isn't working but they can't quite put their finger on what that is, or they don't know how to fix it. I help them optimise their launch so they can finally have consistent, predictable high-income launches.

Copywriter, launch strategist, & chief rosé taster helping coaches & course creators make ever-increasing sales

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