Learn the high-converting strategy behind the hooks, captions, and calls-to-action I used in my posts to increase engagement and followers.

9 posts that drove the most engagement during my 60-day IG campaign

over-the-shoulder video breakdown

Swipe the breakdown👇


    of 9 engaging
    video tutorial
    ig posts

    level up your instagram content

    Learn the different types of IG posts proven to connect & convert

    Swipe headlines, hooks, and call to action ideas that'll magnetise your followers

    Draw inspiration from the 9 posts that drove the most interaction for me

    Ready to level up your instagram content?

    Get the Over-the-Shoulder Breakdown


      You’re an expert with a one-of-a-kind message. The missing link? Words that sell, minus the sleaze (aka copywriting). Because without the right words, your brilliant offer isn’t going to convert. That’s where I come in... laptop in one hand, sparkling rosĂ© in another - shall we pop the cork and take a sip?

      Self-confessed bookworm, chief rosé taster and former PR consultant helping entrepreneurs amplify their story.

      Hi, I'm ELISE.


      Get the Over-the-Shoulder Breakdown
